Last updated on December 6th, 2023 at 11:22 am

What You Need to Do as a Realtor or Real Estate Broker in Your First 30 Days

Some points from the video:

  1. There is really no 1 wayto be successful as a realtor, real estate broker, or agent.
    • It can be the easiest career to get into; yet can be the hardest career to stay in overtime.
    • There is no silver bullet as a real estate agent; it takes hard work and dedication.
    • Don’t buy for leads; create and find your leads.
  2. Focus on getting clients and prospects on your first 30 days.
    • This is very important to succeed.
    • Your list can just snowball as you move along. Yet you need to start on getting clients to close deals.
    • The focus is always have to be on getting clients.
  3. Build your database.
    • Build your sphere of influence.
    • The tool is not as important as the content of your database.
  4. Update your profile including all your social media profiles.
    • Let the people know that you are a real estate agent or broker.
  5. Create a website.
  6. Set up a blog.
  7. Preview your inventory as much as possible to know your products or listing.
    • Product knowledge is what your clients are looking for in an agent or broker.
    • Credibility, product knowledge, and expertise: they matter; so preview, preview, and preview.
  8. Have good relationships with everyone: prospects, clients, developers, agents, brokers, or realtors.
    • This is a relationship business; in fact, to do good business is to connect with people.
    • Do your floor duty or floor time.
  9. Content Creation
    • The content that we create should revolve in the niche and market segment that we are focusing on.
    • As a real estate agent or broker, specialize on an area to focus.
    • Use images and videos with your text content.
  10. Learn the knots-and-bolts of a contract.
    • Know and understand how it is going to affect your deal, buyers, sellers, and you.
    • Get hands-on on learning contracts.

Want to know more? Finish watching the video if you have not done so.

